
Grammar Engineering, I'm loving it

I think that the most attractive thing to work on as a researcher are the problems that you actually encounter yourself. Obviously, it is an option to try to encounter these problems by studying or writing code that you are not actually directly interested in, but it is much more fun if you can work on issues in code that you just write out of your own interest.

This is what we've done in our latest paper, titled "Grammar Engineering Support for Precedence Rule Recovery and Compatibility Checking". Most of our work involves syntax definitions, for example to provide general support for the implementation of program transformations and also for our research on embedding and composing languages (for various applications). One of the problems we encounter is that the conversion of a grammar from one grammar formalism to another is rather unreliable. For example, if you need to convert a grammar from YACC to SDF, then you basically have no idea if the two grammars are compatible. For programs in general, this is understandable, since imperative source code are very difficult to compare. But, if you have a more or less declarative specification of a grammar, how is it possible that you cannot compare them at all?

As a first step towards supporting grammar compatibility checking, we have implemented a tool that compares the precedence rules of grammars. A very simple example of a precedence rule is that 1 + 2 * 3 should be parsed as 1 + (2 * 3). The precedence rules of a grammar might look like a trivial property at first sight, but actually it is rather complex to understand as a human what the precedence rules of a YACC or SDF grammar are. This tool has already been most successful for comparing existing C grammars written in YACC and SDF and deriving the exact precedence rules of PHP, which has quite a bizarre expression language.

The paper has been accepted for LDTA 2007, the Workshop on Language Descriptions, Tools and Applications, which is an excellent place for this subject. We will present our work at this workshop at the end of March. A draft version of the paper is available from the publication list at my homepage. The implementation is available as part of the Stratego/XT Grammar Engineering Tools. The website includes a bunch of examples. In the future, we hope to provide more tools to assist with the maintenance, testing, conversion, and analysis of grammars. In fact, Stratego/XT itself already contains some interesting tools for this, most prominently the grammar unit-testing tool parse-unit.

Now I think of it, it's probably a bad idea as a vegetarian to paraphrase a campaign by McDonald's ...

1 comment:

control valves said...

Gotta love it!